Last week as we pulled the silks out for our Chinese New Year celebrations I did a little photo shoot of Max and Ellie. I love how their little personalities came out as I let them play
Even though fortune cookies are no where to be found in China I thought they would be a good prop to keep Max occupied. He was so cute trying to get them with his chopsticks.
I love how his little feet are crossed and those fingers are spread as he is concentrating on the task at hand.
He finally gave in and used his fingers and began to line them up. I do believe he had his fair share of fortune cookies. It was a good thing mom was distracted behind the lens.

Max also loves his oranges!
Those big brown eyes are a window to this little boy's soul. They speak volumes to the passion and love he has for life.
His smile is a permanent fixture on his little face. He lives life big and full of joy! As someone once asked "is every day the best day of his life?"
That sparkle in his eyes shows that little mischievous side of him too.
This is probably my favorite picture of these two. It actually may be my only picture of these two this close together. Two precious little blessings born an ocean away and yet hand picked to be brother and sister. Handpicked by God to journey through life together. I can't wait to see how their relationship unfolds in the years to come.
Miss Ellie had fun grabbing those cookies and throwing them to side. It is amazing the strength she has gained and the fine motor development that has taken place in such a short time.
There were lots of smiles as she discovered and explored.
She also loved banging the chopsticks together to make some noise!

I was shocked as Ellie brought the orange to her little mouth. Ellie had no idea how to use those little fingers and hands and as she learned to use them nothing would go to her mouth. It is so crazy because I thoughts kids were just born with that instinct. It is another sad reminder of what happens to natural progression and development of our sweet little ones that are institutionalized. We continue to celebrate every new victory and every new milestone we hit. There seems to be an awful lot of them lately.
Ellie continues to use her little hands and feet to explore the world around her. I love this picture of her little foot in the orange bowl. Her feet often follow her little hands as she discovers new things. At times it seems as though her feet are two extra hands.

Those lost, sad brown eyes that we met on November 5, 2013 have been replaced with a sparkle and a new depth. An amazing transformation ... beauty from ashes.
In time our little princess decided she was done exploring, done smiling, done being reset ... she was done!